
  1. Domain is linked

  2. Is SSL Active

  3. Update Footer - Agent name, DRE, year , Accessibility link


Check to make sure it matches the desktop version - some examples. Hero section text breaks in a strange way, the order and spacing of photos are inconsistent. Image is below text when it should be bove.


hero Section

  1. update “presented by” with Agent name

  2. Updated property Address

  3. Update Hero image ( NO VIDEOS FOR THE HERO, It is used in the below section)

  4. Update Bed, bath, Sq. ft.

video + Intro Section

  1. Check for video, if not replace with image - same dimensions

  2. Intro pull quote

  3. Paragraph - 450 Characters or less.

residence section

  1. Gallery

    1. No more than 10 photos highlighted

    2. Edit aspect Ratio with SP Edit Image - Crop 3:4

  2. Update copy - 100 characters or less

Features + Location (or misc.) section

  1. Update copy less than 100 characters

  2. Update Image

Contact Info - homepage

No agent photo on this section - you can add the agent logo but needs to be white

  1. Update Agent info, Name,email,number,DRE

  2. Update form name and Storage location (Agent email)


  1. Photos are in correct order

  2. Updated photos to new property

  3. lightbox is on


  1. Updated photo

  2. Updated features

  3. Even Columns 2 or 4


  1. Google Map location updated (if they ask for custom points we can use Mapbox )

  2. Updated Location Copy

  3. Updated Location photos


  1. Update Agent info, Name,email,number,DRE

  2. Update form name and Storage location (Agent email)


If there is a logo for the property, make sure to update website title, can be more specific address, for SEO purpose but only if there is a logo associated with the site.

  1. Update SEO

  2. Update Social Image

  3. Update 404-Page Background image